"The Cries of the Victims are Deafening" - A look at modern Central America through the lens of Biblical justice
My wife recently bought me a new Bible as a birthday gift. As I typically do with a new Bible, I've started reading through from start to finish once again. It's not taken but a few days for the Lord to spark my heart with questions, thoughts, and inquisition. This morning I was reading about Abraham being visited by God just before He went down to Sodom. The thing about reading a new translation from what you're used to is that certain phrases jump out at you in ways you aren't expecting. When God decides to let Abraham in on His plans, He says, "The cries of the victims in Sodom and Gomorrah are deafening" and later, "The outcries of the victims to God are deafening" (18v20; 19v13). Previous times that I've read this I've always read it that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah is what led God to destroy it. While this isn't untrue, it wasn't the vileness of rampant sin that got God's attention; it was the cry of the victims. The m...