
Showing posts from August, 2017

Christian - They Will Come Soon for the Children; Speak Up!

Laws are being crafted right now which will, if passed, demand the removal of children who have only known the United States as their home - forcing them to be relocated. Kids who are legally your neighbor today, will very soon be pulled out of their homes and placed on flights and buses to countries of which they have never consciously known. These children are currently legally here per actions of former President Obama which has not yet been rescinded. Today, they are allowed to be here. Tomorrow - they may not be. These kids are, in a very real way, some of the most vulnerable of our society. The Christian community must speak up now in order to craft a future where we won't be forced to break the law of the land in order to be obedient to the command of Christ to love our neighbor, specifically the lost, poor, broken and oppressed. There is still time, though it may be limited, to advocate for our legislators to speak out on behalf of these children. If we are unsucces...