The Partisan Problem on Display

The single biggest issue with the two-party system is on display once again. Instead of holding elected leaders accountable to operating within the bounds of the constitution, those with deeply held party allegiances view every action up against equivalent actions of the opposing party. When President Obama bypassed congress to accomplish his agenda, his supporters praised him and his critics were enraged. Now President Trump has done the same and the exact same reactions are on display, but flipped.

Where is the voice of those who judge both as unacceptable? It seems as though we only hear of the necessity of obedience to the bounds set forth in the constitution when they are violated by the "opposing party." As long as we keep listening to those who view political developments through the lens of the partisan divide, we remain distracted from honestly assessing how we would view the same decisions if they were made by those on the other side of the isle. This country needs a resurgence of the vocal middle, a resurgence of those who are unwilling to violate the constitution even when it would benefit themselves or their party. As long as the loud ones are those who choose party over principle, we will always end up electing leaders who know that they can disregard the constitution as long as they make their team happy. This has to end or we will fail as a nation.

The manufactured "crisis" at the southern border is a move of optics generated to provide this administration with an icon to which they can point come the 2020 election. There is no way around it, this is a move to use taxpayer dollars to build the largest billboard possible for a presidential bid. When over 65% of the country views a solid structure spanning coast to coast as a gross waste of resources in the midst of the greatest national debt in history, someone needs to speak up.

Though spending such a sum on a symbol is extravagant and wasteful based on all research to date, the subversion of congress is a much more concerning development than the resources to be spent. Those who claim to uphold the rule of law must either accept the hypocrisy of their change based on the letter after the president's name, or join the ranks of those lodging opposition against this attack against our democracy.

And here's the fun part.

Based on the information provided by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection site, year over year we've seen a decrease in: number of total inadmissibles at ports of entry, number of criminal aliens encountered, number of NCIC arrests, number of criminal aliens with outstanding wants or warrants, Currency seized, amount of cocaine seized, amount of marijuana seized, amount of heroin seized, and number of individuals apprehended more than one time within a fiscal year.

The current bolstering of our ports of entry and usage of already constructed wall in necessary locations has been working. There is no logical, factually based argument for declaration of a state of emergency. There is no legitimate or acceptable reason to bypass congress to build a wall we don't need at a price we can't afford.

However - if Senator Ted Cruz can get El Chappo to pay for it, I'm all for that.

Feel free to post your thoughts below.


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